

5 Tips for Transitioning from On-校园 to 在线 Classes

If you’ve taken only on-campus classes, 转向在线学习可能会让人感到震惊. Here are five tips that will help you with the transition.

If you’ve taken on-campus classes for most of your academic career, 转向在线学习可能会让人感到震惊. 毕竟, you’re used to visiting a classroom 和 having real-time, in-person interactions with your instructor 和 fellow students 和 taking notes based on what’s written on a board or a slide on a big screen.

现在, with colleges 和 universities nationwide moving on-campus classes to an online format because of the 冠状病毒,你需要快速调整. While you might welcome the chance to go to class without getting out of your pajamas, 您可能需要进行修改,以便 保持动力,保持 有组织的 和 even figure out how to be more active in class discussions.


1. 将在线课程视为“真正的课程”

一些 people have a tendency to take online classes less seriously since there isn’t anyone to hold them accountable. 像对待真实的教室一样对待虚拟教室. Keep a regular schedule to help 保持动力 和 set goals that will keep you on track with your work.

你付出什么就会得到什么, so staying dedicated to your learning even though you’re not in an actual classroom.

其他方式 保持动力 本学期剩余的课程包括:

  • 给自己留点时间
  • 寻找一个支持系统
  • 慢慢来
  • 保持积极
  • 锻炼
  • 寻求帮助
  • 关注你的未来

2. 保持清晰的沟通方式

Instructions 和 assignments can get confusing when you aren’t meeting in person with a professor or connecting with fellow students to get the clarification you need. Establishing a consistent way to contact teachers 和 classmates is important when taking classes remotely.


  • 发邮件
  • 使用在线学习平台,比如 Canvas
  • Getting phone numbers of fellow students, who you can call or text when you need help
  • Starting a regular virtual study group with digital tools like Zoom, 谷歌去, 超级会议, 等.
  • Setting up a 脸谱网 Group 和 inviting classmates to join

3. 利用学校资源

Taking advant年龄 of your school’s resources is a great way to deal with any rough spots you might hit in challenging courses. 荷晶为学生提供了各种各样的 住宿 帮助他们成功的方法包括:

  • 指定的顾问
  • 辅导
  • 写作中心 
  • 残障设施
  • 免费的全天候咨询和支持服务

4. 拥有一致的工作空间

作为一名大学生, your study space is your sanctuary 和 keeping it 有组织的 is one of the best ways to stay productive. 一些 战术 to avoid distractions 和 maintain a consistent workspace include:

  • 放下你的手机
  • 彩色编码材料
  • 有一排书写工具的
  • 把充电器放在一个地方
  • 清理

You can also change your workspace from time to time to keep your mind fresh 和 ideas flowing. As long as you find a spot where you can focus – whether inside or outside – a little variety might help.  

5. 参与在线课程

Participating in class is a vital way to stay connected 和 make sure you underst和 the material. 对于在线课程, you could comment on other students’ posts 和 assignments, 同行编辑幸运28计划并参与其中 在线讨论.

当你参与课堂讨论时, it can help clarify concepts 和 introduce new ideas 和 also build your rapport with the instructor 和 fellow students.

If you’re interested in learning more about Herzing大学’s online programs, visit our 在线校园.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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